الابتكار الاجتماعي
هنادي طريفة

هنادي طريفة

I have been working within the design field in various disciplines for the past 15+ years. I am currently working as a design thinking researcher at the Hasso Plattner Institute, focusing on design thinking and innovation. My journey towards design thinking has not been linear. At first, I studied fine arts, then specialized in visual communication. Following that, I started working with various companies as a lead designer, which I really enjoyed. As I was studying innovation and design, I came across design thinking principles, and I immediately knew where my passion is. I joined the HPI in Germany as a visiting researcher, which later turned into a long-term commitment. I am passionate about design thinking and what it can offer the world. My background from the Middle East has given me unique insights to utilize the benefits of design thinking for Arab businesses and universities. In 2019, I initiated and led the first study on the current state of design thinking in the Arab world to explore the potential and possibilities of ‘Arabizing’ and ‘localizing’ design thinking tools and methods to be better presented, adopted, and practiced by Arab users. I have also led and contributed to the design, implementation, and delivery of several educational and capacity-building programs worldwide at leading organizations that include: University of Cambridge, BBC World Trust, the International Development Research Center of Canada, the World Affairs Council of Northern California, and the Initiative Selbständiger Immigrantinnen in Germany. I believe that design thinking is a key ingredient that many businesses and educational institutions desperately need. As a specialist, I believe I can provide the necessary framework for businesses and educational institutions in the fundamentals of design thinking. These ideas and training can increase business potential and, even more, also provide a sense of purpose and meaning to our work.

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