الابتكار الاجتماعي
James Rock

James Rock

Managing Partner at DesignThinkers Group UK. A trained designer and mechanical engineer who moved onto business and service management and later into transformation consultancy. A creative and imaginative strategic thinker who uses Design Thinking to help organisations tackle their biggest challenges, a strong facilitator of innovation and change, backed by in-depth practical experience in product and service design and development, operations management, and business/service design. An entrepreneur by nature, always seeking interesting and innovative business opportunities. I navigate the space where my imagination meets reality... I'm a maverick and boat-rocker that helps to challenge the status-quo. Recognising I have creative talents too, I also work occasionally as a freelance social documentary photographer. Specialties: Business Strategy; Design Thinking; Business & Service Design; Strategic Alliances & Partnerships; Startups; Operations Strategy; Marketing Strategy; Digital Content Production; Social Media; BPR; Performance Improvement; Change Management; Creativity and Innovation; Interim Executive & Non-Executive Positions.

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